We all know that organic cotton goods are better for farmers, workers and our families, but did you know that there are a host of our environmental and social impacts? We did some research and compiled our 8 favorite ways that your organic textile purchase is changing the world!
1. Soil Health: Without the use of synthetic fertilizers, farmers must use compost and manure to fertilize their crops. This increases soil organic carbon, which increases soil health. It also prevents soil and water contamination.
2. Farmer Profitability: Studies show that organic farming is 22-35% more profitable for farmers than conventional farming. Because most cotton farms in India are small, family run operations, this means more money in the hands of the community.
Supporting Organic Food: Because organic farming often uses crop rotation to replenish the soil, the fields that grow your organic cotton one season, may be home to organic fruits and veggies the next. This allows the land to be more productive. Don't forget that cottonseed oil is used in food production, so organic cotton production means an increase in organic cottonseed oil!
4. Social Responsibility
The GOTs standard is about more than just pesticides. It also holds production facilities and brands to the highest social standards, protecting the artisans from toxic substances.
5. Wages and Hours
Artisans and workers must be paid a living wage for their region and facilities must adhere to International Labour Organization rules for working hours, including mandatory breaks and weekly rest for time for family and friends.
6. No Child Labor...Ever
Inspections are required to ensure no underage workers are employed - keeping kids outside of production facilities and in school and with their families.
7. Employee Rights
Employment must be freely chosen and workers must have rights to association and collective bargaining.
8. Our own feet on the ground
In additional to 3rd party inspections - we spend time at our productions facilities with our own families to ensure they meet GOTs and internal standards.