Most of us can still vividly remember the Rana Plaza factory collapse that happened in 2013.   When the building fell, more than 1100 workers were killed and we were forced to reckon with the fact that the clothes we buy have a background - people, places and materials that created them before they ever ended up in our closet.  

That year, we were just launching our line and we were too, learning about manufacturing in the home and textile industry.  A lot of what we found out was unsettling and put us on a five year journey to understand what textiles that were safe for families and the workers behind them would look like.  Over the course of our learning experience, we found out about Fashion Revolution and were inspired by their mission and motivated by their push for all brands to be more transparent with their supply chain and move towards environmental protection and human rights as key tenets in the fashion industry.  

Fashion Revolution was co-founded by Carry Somers and Orsola de Castro and they envision a world where creativity, the environment, people and profit are all valued in equal measure.   Their efforts span all year long, but April 22-28, 2019 marks Fashion Revolution Week and is their #whomademyclothes campaign.  It's a week as consumers to ask questions of the brands who make our goods and for companies to share more information about the people and processes in their supply chain.   Follow #imadeyourclothes and #whomademyclothes to learn about fashion brands that are charting a new path in transparency and ethical manufacturing. 


Jessica Diehl