On a crisp fall day in 1998, fate was at work when Benita, a nervous new freshman started her first day at a new school. As luck would have it, Jess, student council president, would be her chaperone to get her settled in. That day a lifelong friendship was born. Fast forward through high school sleep overs, college adventures, life lessons and a decade later the pair found themselves on the cusp of their biggest adventure yet.
Prior to starting zestt, Benita and Jess were both independent business owners. Even though their industries were unrelated, as best friends, they had found themselves leaning on each other for advice when it came to the growing pains of being sole entrepreneurs.
In 2011, Benita, an interior designer, had a unique opportunity to travel abroad for a sourcing project. Jess joined her as a travel buddy while running her business virtually. After an 18 hour flight discussing how hard it was to be running a business "alone," the idea to do something together was on the table. With Benita's background in Interior Design, the pair envisioned creating a family friendly lifestyle brand. Jess would handle the logistics and finance and Benita would be the head of all things creative...but what would they name this brand? In hour 18 of the flight back to the US, Jess exclaimed "zest!" "let's bring zest into someone's life," and so it was born (with the addition of the extra "t" because "zest" the soap brand owned everything).
The pair worked tirelessly in their day jobs with zestt being their passion project at night. Over the following years the brand would morph into what you see today when they found their mission and true calling in Organic Textiles. As their families have grown alongside their business, they feel blessed to be able to spend their days together building this dream and working toward making an impact on the world around them!

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