Welcome to a new series here on the zestt blog - cozy reads!  In our overall effort to simplify life and our homes, we're making an effort to find books that will help us along the way.   This week's pick is Braving the Wilderness by Brene Brown.  A researcher and professor at the University of Houston, Brene's known for her work on shame, vulnerability and belonging, but it's her ability to write as if she's talking DIRECTLY to you that we think makes people love her work.   Chapters marry research and rich storytelling in a way that forces you to reflect on your own life and journey.

As entrepreneurs looking to carve a new path in ethical production and transparency, we found so many lessons and parallels in Braving the Wilderness.  Her goal in the book is to explore being true to our values, while finding tribe and belonging with others.  As individuals and as a company, we have found that this work of authenticity as the true path to belonging is the greatest that there is.   We hope you enjoy this read as much as we did.  


Jessica Diehl