In a world of fast fashion, seasonal catalogs inform us of the latest trends and looks. With cheap prices and seemingly month long trends, our closets seem to be on an ever revolving rotation of poorly made, but trendy merchandise. Businesses understand that more seasons mean more purchasing. Over the last few years, we've watched this model inch its way into the world of home fashion, with cheaply made goods made of synthetic materials. Pillows that grace our couch for a few months and end up in a landfill. Throw blankets and bedding that pill and fall apart in less than a year. In our quest to keep our homes looking pinterest perfect, we rush to find something to create the look, rather than building a home over time through investments in pieces that will remain beautiful for years to come.
Of course, the complexity of fast fashion is bigger than waste. It also extends into the environmental and social impacts of brands that look to manufacture as cheaply as possible. As a company that designs and creates new merchandise, we know that we have an ethical responsibility to consider the impact of our products. That's why we've made a conscious shift to create our line from GOTS Certified organic cotton, work only with 3rd party certified socially responsible factories and integrate recycled and Fair Trade Certified™ goods into our line. We also work to design products that can work in your home year round and that are made of the highest quality materials so they'll remain favorites season after season.
We love the advice of fashion icon, Vivienne Westwood who outlined her sentiments in a 2014 interview with the Guardian. "Buy Less. Choose Well. Make it Last." were her words of wisdom. She encourages us to purchase more intentionally, look for timeless style and to treat our goods with care so that they won't constantly need replaced. We've adopted this as our unofficial mantra at zestt and we look forward to sharing more information in 2018 about how we're implementing this in both our business and personal lives.